Thursday, July 30, 2009

There are many things that I’ve been through. But I learn to love them. I think kids have a hard time moving exp kids at the age I am moving god know where! My dad is getting a new job where we have to move every were. I don’t take moving well but I think change would be good for me and my family.If you’re a kid my age (13) you would think moving is offal and you don’t want to move and leave your friends behind. We all have to go through moving some time we all know it’s not easy. My dad’s new job it’s not what I wanted but he’s my dad and he wants the best for me and my family. I think the hardest thing for me is to change schools and leave my bff/freinds/boy friend/family I think leaving my friends that I’ve known for two years it will be hard for me. I have to stop thinking of the negative and start thinking positive there has to be prose to moving like new hot boys see new places. And we will visit every one we love and it will make seeing them more fun. So I think I will try to take it well and try new things and see new places. Here I come new life!!!!If you read this please Wright how you felt about moving and how you took it. And put 5 things that you hated about moving and 5 things you liked about it. By Denise aka (army brat) p.s. hey baddy I just want to say im ok with moving thank you for reading this!!!!


  1. 1. I liked starting over
    2. new friends
    3. new adventures
    4. I get to unpack ( for some reason its fun for me)
    5. learning how to accept change

    1.sometimes people dont respond well to new people
    2. i have to leave my friends and family behind
    3. the first day of a new school kinda sucks
    4. change is hard
    5. having to pack

  2. 1. I liked starting over
    2. new friends
    3. new adventures
    4. I get to unpack ( for some reason its fun for me)
    5. learning how to accept change

    1.sometimes people dont respond well to new people
    2. i have to leave my friends and family behind
    3. the first day of a new school kinda sucks
    4. change is hard
    5. having to pack

  3. 5 Things I love about moving:

    1. Getting a new house, new room, etc. It's exciting.
    2. All the cool stuff you find when you pack and unpack... stuff you thought was lost and gone forever.
    3. Having everything all neat and clean and put away (for a little while).
    4. Fresh, new carpets!
    5. Finding all the new hiding places / spots to hide my guns.

    5 things I hate about moving:

    1. Packing and cleaning.
    2. Moving a bunch of heavy shit.
    3. Getting all the utilities set up in the new house.
    4. The cost of moving... lots of money down the pooper.
    5. Leaving all my friends behind. HAHAHA, like I have any friends! lol.

    Very cool blog by the way. You should write more, it's been a while since you posted something new.

    Hey I was thinking that while I'm away in training, maybe you could post the letters I write home to you on here if you feel like it.

    I love you, Brat.

    A.K.A. Pvt Delta
